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Apator Telemetria

About us
  • We are a producer of systems and devices for remote reading and configuration of water meters, heat meters, heat cost allocators, as well as electricity and gas meters
  • We create systems for measuring, counting and recording data
  • We are competent in the design and manufacturing of measuring devices, as well as entire telemetry systems
  • We provide contract production services and produce electronics for individual orders


Andrzej Macuk
Chairman of the Board

Supervisory Board

Janusz Niedźwiecki
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Mieczysław Jabłoński
Member of the Supervisory Board
Łukasz Zaworski
Member of the Supervisory Board
Sławomir Migała
Member of the Supervisory Board

Our solutions

Remote data reading systems

We design and manufacture modern systems for remote reading of the registers of electricity, water, and gas meters, heat cost allocators and heat meters. Our solutions allow us to make precise and detailed measurements while collected data is sent directly to the IT system.

Contract manufacturing

We provide a wide range of contract manufacturing services, including custom-made electronics. We help in the development of optimal production processes, propose product improvements, design and manufacture tools and software that we use during production. We support the process of purchasing components and record their flow during the production process. We also develop detailed quality control procedures.

Our services

Support and consulting

We aid in developing optimal production processes. We advise at every stage of the production preparation process and during the production itself. We propose ways to improve the product, production preparation, and the early stages of device production processes.

Tools and quality control

We design and manufacture tools used in the production of a given device. We create software that we use during the preparation and implementation of production. We develop quality control procedures and devices tailored to the specifics of the construction and operation of the manufactured devices.

Procurement optimization

We provide comprehensive component procurement services, helping with replacement goods. We work with suppliers who offer attractive prices with convenient delivery times and conditions.