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Current reports

Advance payment towards expected dividend from the profit in 2020

Nr 63/2020
Date and time: 2020/11/26, 12:39
Category: Dividend

The Executive Board of Apator SA announces that it took the decision on payment of advance payment towards expected dividend from the profit in 2020 in gross amount of 0.45 PLN per share.

To the payment of the advance payment towards expected dividend from the profit for financial year 2020 are entitled 32.806.328 registered shares of A series and bearer shares of A, B and C series excluding own shares acquired by the Company (as of the day of fixing the right to dividend) for the redemption within the share buy-back programme adopted by General Shareholders Meeting on 2nd of July 2020. The exact number of own shares not participating in the advance dividend payment will be provided by the Issuer in a separate current report.

The right to advance payment towards expected dividend from the profit for financial year 2020 will be obtained by the shareholders holding the shares of Apator SA on 24th December 2020, but the payment will be made on 31st December 2020.

The Executive Board of Apator SA finds that Apator SA has sufficient means to pay the advance payment towards expected dividend from the profit in financial year 2020 and the payment of the advance payment is in accordance with art. 349 §2 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code.

The Supervisory Board of Apator SA, at the meeting on 26th November 2020 agreed the advance payment towards expected dividend from the profit for financial year 2020 to be paid to the shareholders on the above mentioned conditions proposed by the Executive Board


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