Advance payment towards the expected dividend for 2023
The Management Board of Apator SA announces that it has decided to pay the advance payment towards the expected dividend for 2023 in the amount of PLN 0.20 gross per share.
32,647,073 series A registered shares and series A, B and C bearer shares are entitled to advance payment towards the expected dividend for 2023.
The right to advance payment on account of anticipated dividend for financial year 2023 is obtained by shareholders who hold shares of Apator SA as at 15 December 2023. The advance payment will be made on 21 December 2023.
The Management Board of Apator SA states that Apator SA has sufficient funds for making the advance payment towards the expected dividend for the financial year 2023, and the advance payment is made in accordance with Article 349 (2) of the Code of Commercial Companies.