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Current reports

Apator S.A. granted the guarrantee of the performance of the contract by Apator Control Sp. z o. o.

Nr 11/2013
Date and time: 2013/04/25, 00:00
Category: Others

The Executive Board of Apator SA announces that on 25th April 2013 Apator SA granted the guarantee of diligent performance by subsidiary Apator Control sp. z o. o. of the contract towards ArcelorMittal Poland SA. The guarantee regards „Electrical revamping of Long Rail Project”. Maximum amount of the guarantee  is 24,8 m PLN and it covers the entire value of the contract. The guarantee by Apator SA is the condition of the contract to be signed by Apator Control sp. z o. o. and ArcelorMittal Poland SA.

The guarantee was granted for the period since 25th April 2013 till 22nd  March 2014. Apator Control sp. z o. o. is obligated to pay to Apator SA the commission from the guarantee in amount of 1,3% annually for each commenced month due to the guarantee received.
Apator SA announced about the winning by  Apator Control Sp. z o. o. the tender for the performance of the above project in current report no 10/2013 dated 26th March 2013.
Apator SA holds 100% shares in subsidiary Apator Control Sp. z o. o.
Legal base for the report: § 5 article 1 point 7 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions of the information to be considered as equivalent one required by law of the country not being the member of the EU. 


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