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Current reports

Appointment of Members of Supervisory Board

Nr 32/2015
Date and time: 2015/06/23, 00:00
Category: General Shareholders Meetings

Management Board of Apator SA announces that Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting held on 22nd June 2015 established that Supervisory Board of Apator SA appointed for the following five year common tenure would consist of 6 members. At the same time Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting Apator SA on 22nd June 2015 appointed for new tenure the Members of Supervisory Board of Apator as follows:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
- Danuta Guzowska,
- Mariusz Lewicki,
- Janusz Marzygliński,
- Marcin Murawski,
- Janusz Niedźwiecki,
- Kazimierz Piotrowski.

Profiles of the Members of Supervisory Board:

Danuta Guzowska
Danuta Guzowska is important shareholder of Apator SA for many years. Since 2000 she has been the Member of Supervisory Board of Apator SA
Danuta Guzowska holds technical degree. She joined Apator in 1975. She worked in design office for many years, in heat meters sales department and marketing department. 
Danuta Guzowska does not run any competitive activity to Apator SA. She does not participate in any competitive entity as the partner of civil partnership and she is not a member of any competitive capital company or any other legal person.

Danuta Guzowska is not entered to Insolvent Debtors Register kept based on act on National Court Register.

Mariusz Lewicki
Mariusz Lewicki holds a Master of Science Degree in Economics. He graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń - Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management. He also graduated Postgraduate Tax Law Studies and Postgraduate Commercial Law Studies at Faculty of Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

Mariusz Lewicki  was an accountant in SPOMASZ and then in the period 1991-1999 he was a Manager of Accounting Department in PZAE Apator and then in APATOR SA.

In the period 1994-2001 he was Chief Accountant first in Reuther Polska and then in Rotar Poland.    In the period 2001- 2007 he was Financial Director and Proxy in Apator Control. Since 1993 till February 2013 Mariusz Lewicki  was Chief Accountant in ZPDZ “NAGRO”.Since April 2007 he was financial adviser in Z.P.H.U Walter (the entity does not run competitive business to Apator  S.A.).Since November 2010 Mariusz Lewicki he has been adviser to Management Board and Business Development Director of Więcborskie Zakłady Metalowe “Wizamor” sp. z o.o. (entity does not run competitive activity to Apator SA). Since November 2014, he has been financial adviser and Member of Supervisory Board in Zakłady Metalowe “Wizamor” Sp. z o.o. Since January 2012 he has been financial adviser in “Wimplast” Sp. z o.o. (entity does not run competitive activity to Apator SA.)

Mariusz Lewicki has long experience in acting as supervisor.

- since 2000 - Member of Supervisory Board in APATOR SA and at the same time since 2010 - Deputy Chairman of Supervisory Board of Apator SA

- since 2005  - Chairman of Supervisory Board in Apator Mining (entity in Apator Group).

- since 2007 -  Chairman of Supervisory board in Apator Metrix SA (entity in Apator Group)

- since April 2014 – Member of Supervisory Board of Apator Elkomtech SA (entity in Apator Group)

Mariusz Lewicki is the Chairman of Audit Committee in Apator SA.
Mariusz Lewicki is also the Chairman of Supervisory Board and Audit Committee in Przedsiębiorstwo Hydrauliki Siłowej Hydrotor SA (entity does not run competitive activity to Apator SA) and he is the member of Supervisory Board of Agromet ZEHS Lubań SA. (entity does not run competitive activity to Apator SA).

Mariusz Lewicki does not run any competitive activity to Apator SA. He does not participate in any competitive entity as the partner of civil partnership and he is not a member of any competitive capital company or any other legal person.

Mariusz Lewicki  is not entered to Insolvent Debtors Register kept based on act on National Court Register.

Janusz Marzygliński
Janusz Marzygliński has university degree in engineering.

He has graduated from Gdańsk University of Technology – Electrical Faculty and Postgraduate Studies on Organization and Management for Management Staff and also Marketing and Management Course in Chicago (USA).

Mr Janusz Marzygliński has been related to Apator since 1971.

He took the following posts like: Design Office Manager, Deputy Manufacturing Director, Deputy Commercial Director, Managing Director and President of Management Board.

Janusz Marzygliński has the experience in acting as supervisor and manager in companies.

- since 2000  - Member of Supervisory Board of Apator  SA and at the same time since June 2003 till June 2013 he was the Chairman of Supervisory Board of Apator SA

- since 2008 – Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Apator  Rector Sp. z o. o. (entity in  Apator Group),

- since 2008 – Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Apator Powogaz SA (entity in  Apator Group)


At the same time Janusz Marzygliński is the President of the Executive Board of Asco Co Ltd. and he is the co-owner of Asco Co Ltd and Sanitech Sp. J. and B & J (business activity).

Janusz Marzygliński  does not run any competitive activity to Apator SA. He does not participate in any competitive entity as the partner of civil partnership and he is not a member of any competitive capital company or any other legal person.

Janusz Marzygliński is not entered to Insolvent Debtors Register kept based on act on National Court Register.

Marcin Murawski
Marcin Murawski was born in 1973 and he graduated from Management Faculty- Financial Management of Warsaw University. Marcin Murawski has got the authority of chartered certified accountant in the United Kingdom (ACCA) and  Polish chartered accountant (entitles of KIBR) and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA).
Professional experience:
- since June 2015  - till now : Member of Supervisory Board of SECO/WARWICK SA,
- since June 2013  – till now: Member of Supervisory Board of APATOR SA,
- since March 2013  – till now: Member of Supervisory Board of GTC SA,
- since December 2012  – till now: Member of Supervisory Board of CCC SA,
- since November 2005  – till  November 2012: Internal Audit and Inspection Department Director of Warta Group (property insurance, life insurance, pension fund) and Secretary of Audit Committees in TUIR WARTA SA and TUNŻ WARTA SA,
- 1997- 2005  he was employed in PricewaterhouseCoopers Sp. z o. o. at the following posts:
- 2002 - 2005: Audit Department Manager – Financial Services Department,
- 1999 – 2001: Senior Assistant in Audit Department,
- 1997 – 1998: Assistant  in Audit Department.
- February 1997 – July 1997: Financial Controller in TCH Components sp. z o. o.

Marcin Murawski is free of any connection with the company and its shareholders and pursuant to corporate governance he meets the criteria of independent Member of Supervisory Board.

Marcin Murawski does not run any competitive activity to Apator SA. He does not participate in any competitive entity as the partner of civil partnership and he is not a member of any competitive capital company or any other legal person.
Marcin Murawski is not entered to Insolvent Debtors Register kept based on act on National Court Register.

Janusz Niedźwiecki
Janusz Niedźwiecki was born in 1958. He has graduated from Technical University of Gdańsk - Electrical Faculty – Construction of Electrical Machines and Devices, electrical engineer. Moreove, he graduated from Technical University of Gdańsk – Management and Marketing Faculty, specialty; Economics and Finance, master degree.

He has graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń, Economics and Management Faculty – post graduated management studies.

Professional experience

- since 18 July 2014 till now: Chairman of Supervisory Board of TROPS SA

- since 25 June 2013 till now: Chairman of Supervisory Board of Apator SA

- since January 2013 till now: Member of Supervisory Board of Elektrownia Będzin SA

- since 2005 till now: Member of  Supervisory Board of Apator Metrix SA (entity of Apator Group)

- since January 2014 till June 2014 – Member of Supervisory Board of Brokerage Office in INVESTMENTS SA

- 2000-2013 – Chief Executive Officer of Apator SA – Managing Director

-1998-2000 – Member of Management Board of Apator SA – Marketing Director

- 1991-1998 – employed in state owned enterprise of PZAE Apator and then in Apator SA – trade division – posts taken; manager, director

- 1989-1991 – employed in state owned  enterprise of PZAE Apator  - design division

- 1983 – 1989 – employed in  Technical University of Gdańsk

Janusz Niedźwiecki is solely owner off Termator Sp. z o.o. (entity does not run competitive activity to Apator SA).

Janusz Niedźwiecki is not involved in any competitive activity to APATOR SA and he is not also a partner of competitive civil partnership or partnership and he is not a member of competitive capital company or any other legal person and he is not a member of any organ in competitive capital company or any competitive legal person.

Janusz Niedźwiecki is not entered to Insolvent Debtors Register kept based on act on National Court Register.

Kazimierz Piotrowski

Kazimierz Piotrowski has university degree in economics He has graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, faculty of Economics Sciences and post-graduate studies on organization, management and finance. Kazimierz Piotrowski has been related with Apator for many years and he has very good experience of performance of the functions in management and and supervisory bodies:

-      since 2013 – Member of Supervisory Board of Apator Metrix SA (entity in Apator Group),

-      since 2001 – Member of Supervisory Board of Apator Mining sp. z o.o. (entity in Apator Group),

- 2009 - 2013 – Chairman of Supervisory Board of FAP Pafal SA (entity in Apator Group),

- 2005-2008  -   President of Management Board of Apator Metrix SA (entity in Apator Group ), 

- 1993-2000 – Member of Management Board of Apator SA and Administration Director (since 1993 to 1998) and Financial Director (1998-2000).

- Earlier he took managing posts in state owned company where the successor is Apator SA.

Kazimierz Piotrowski does not run any competitive activity to Apator SA. He does not participate in any competitive entity as the partner of civil partnership and he is not a member of any competitive capital company or any other legal person.

Kazimierz Piotrowski is not entered to Insolvent Debtors Register kept based on act on National Court Register.

Legal basis: § 5 para 1 point 22 and § 28 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions to be considered as equivalent information required by law of the state not being the member of the EU.



Contact for institutional investors and analysts

cc group - Katarzyna Mucha

Mobile +48 697 613 712

Management and Promotions Director of Apator Group

Jolanta Dombrowska

Mobile +48 56 61 91 228


Frequently asked questions and answers.