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Current reports

Appointment of the members of the Executive Board of SA

Nr 23/2013
Date and time: 2013/06/25, 00:00
Category: Management and Supervisory Board compostition

The Supervisory Board of Apator SA on 25th June 2013 appointed the Executive Board of the Company for the tenure 2013 – 2015, in the following three persons composition:
- Mr Andrzej Szostak – President of the Executive Board,
- Mr Tomasz Habryka – Member of the Executive Board,
- Mr Jerzy Kuś – Member of the Executive Board.

The tenure of the Executive Board is common and  it ends on the day of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting to be held in 2016.
Profiles of Members of the Executive Board:
1) The Supervisory Board appointed Mr Andrzej Szostak as the President of the Executive Board – Managing Director. Mr Andrzej Szostak was born in 1962 and he graduated from School of Economics –Foreign Trade Department in Warsaw.
In  2007 - 2010 Mr Andrzej Szostak was the Director in 3i plc, European leading private equity. In 1999 - 2007 he was Chief Executive Officer in ROTHSCHILD Polska sp. z o. o.   In 1989 - 1999 he was Chief Executive Officer in Access sp. z o. o. Mr Andrzej Szostak collaborated in the past with Apator SA, first as the chief financial adviser for the First Public Offer of the Company in 1996 and then as the  Member of the Supervisory Board of Apator SA in 1997 - 1999. He maintained permanent contact with the Company during the performance of common projects.
Mr Andrzej Szostak does not run any competitive business to Apator SA and he is not a partner in any competitive civil law partnership or partnership and he is not a member of the body of competitive corporation and he is not in other legal person as member of its body. Mr Andrzej Szostak is not registered in Insolvent Debtors Register kept based on Act of National Court Register
2) The Supervisory Board appointed Mr Tomasz Habryka as the member of the Executive Board- Chief Operations Officer. Mr Tomasz Habryka was born in 1972. He is highly educated in economics and engineering. He graduated Management and Marketing from Silesian University of Technology in Katowice at Human Resources Management Department. Mr Tomasz Habryka has graduated also postgraduate studies.
-management based on structure of WE MBA at Warsaw School of Economics in Warsaw,
- personnel management - studies at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.
Professional experience:
- 2010-2013 President of Executive Board in PAFAL SA (entity in the group of Apator)
- since 2008 President of Executive Board in Apator GmbH, (the entity in the group of Apator)
- since 2008 Member of Supervisory Board of Apator Control Sp. z o.o., (the entity in the group of Apator)
- since 2007 Member of Executive Board of Apator SA ,
- 2000-2007 President of EFEN Polska Sp. z o.o. in Siemianowice Śląskie.
- 1994-200 EL-TEAM in Katowice on the following posts:
- 1999-2000 -Deputy President of Executive Board
- 1998 Sales Manager
- 1995-1998 - Sales and customs specialist,
- 1994-1995 Customs duties  specialist  
- 1992-1997 - the owner of CREDO Tomasz Habryka Company

Mr Tomasz Habryka does not run any competitive business to Apator SA and he is not a partner in any competitive civil law partnership or partnership and he is not a member of the body of competitive corporation and he is not in other legal person as member of its body.
Mr Tomasz Habryka is not registered in Insolvent Debtors Register kept based on Act of National Court Register.

3) The Supervisory Board  appointed Mr Jerzy Kuś as the Member of the Executive Board –Metering Equipment and Systems Director. Mr Jerzy Kuś was born in 1970. He holds higher degree in engineering and economics. He graduated from AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow in 1995 and he was granted the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. In 1995-1998 - he studied at Faculty of Management and he was granted Master of Science in Management and Marketing. In 2011 Mr Jerzy Kuś graduated from Wrocław University of Economics and he was granted Master of Science in Management of Enterprise (Executive MBA Programme). The programme was performed in collaboration with Universiteit Hasselt, University of Limmerick, Euromed Marseille Ecole de Management.
Professional experience:
 since 2009 Member of the Executive Board of Apator SA,
- since 2008 Deputy Chairman of Supervisory Board of Apator Metrix SA,
-2008 - 2011Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Apator Rector in Zielona Góra, (the entity in the group of Apator)
- 2004-2009 Member of Executive Board -Marketing and Sales Director of FAP PAFAL SA in Świdnica ,
- 2004 Member of the Executive Board and President of the Executive Board  in Metering Systems in FAP PAFAL Sp. z o.o. in Świdnica,
- 1998-2004 Apator SA in Toruń
- Product Manager,
- Sales Department Manager,
- Domestic Sales Department Manager,
- Electricity Meters Sales Department Manager,
- 1996-1998 -Apator SA Branch Office in Cracow- commercial representative,
- 1996 Tusnovics Holding Ltd. in Cracow - Service Engineer.

Mr Jerzy Kuś does not run any competitive business to Apator SA and he is not a partner in any competitive civil law partnership or partnership and he is not a member of the body of competitive corporation and he is not in other legal person as member of its body.
Mr Jerzy Kuś is not registered in Insolvent Debtors Register kept based on Act of National Court Register.
Legal base for the report: § 5 article 1 point 22 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions of the information to be considered as equivalent one required by law of the country not being the member of the EU. 



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