Candidates for the members of Supervisory Board for next tenure
The Management Board of Apator SA („Issuer”) announces that on 14th May 2015 Krzysztof Kwiatkowski the Member of Supervisory Board of Apator SA made his declaration in writing not to stand for the Member of the Supervisory Board of Apator SA for the next tenure.
At the same time the Issuer announces that the other Members of the Supervisory Board that is;
- Janusz Niedźwiecki
- Mariusz Lewicki
- Janusz Marzygliński
- DanutaGuzowska
- Marcin Murawski
agreed to bethe candidates for the Members of the Supervisory Board of Apator SA for the next five year tenure.
Moreover, the Issuer announces that the candidate for the Supervisory Board is also Kazimierz Piotrowski who agreed to be the candidate.
Current tenure of the Supervisory Board will end on the day of Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting to be held on 22nd June 2015.
Legal basis:
§ 5 para 1 point 21 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions to be considered as equivalent information required by law of the state not being the member of the EU.