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Current reports

Conclusion of the contract with Energa-Operator SA

Nr 37/2021
Date and time: 2021/09/20, 12:39
Category: Concluded contracts

The Executive Board of Apator SA ("the Company") announces that in result of the tender won, the Company concluded on 20th September 2021 the contract with Energa - Operator SA ("EOP") for the supply of 1-phase and 3-phase electricity meters with PRIME PLC communication together with modems for substitute communication.

The value of the agreement amounts to 57 million PLN net and the deliveries will be realized within 24 months from the date of signing the agreement with the possibility of extension for a period not longer than 12 months.

According to the provisions of the agreement, EOP has the right to charge contractual penalties, in particular for delays in the delivery of batches of equipment or untimely removal of defects during the warranty period. However, conditions of the agreement, including regulations on penalties, liabilities and guarantees do not differ from standard conditions used so far in this type of agreements with EOP.

Zgodnie z postanowieniami umowy, EOP ma prawo naliczać kary umowne, w szczególności z tytułu opóźnień w dostawach partii urządzeń albo nieterminowego usuwania wad w okresie gwarancji. Jednak warunki umowy, w tym uregulowania w zakresie kar, zobowiązań i gwarancji nie odbiegają od standardowych warunków dotychczas stosowanych w tego typu umowach z EOP.​

Podstawa prawna: art 17. ust 1 MAR


Contact for institutional investors and analysts

cc group - Katarzyna Mucha

Mobile +48 697 613 712

Management and Promotions Director of Apator Group

Jolanta Dombrowska

Mobile +48 56 61 91 228


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