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Current reports

Contracts concluded by entities of Apator Group and RWE Stoen complying with the conditions in total the criterion of important contract

Nr 4/2015
Date and time: 2015/01/20, 00:00
Category: Concluded contracts

The Management Board of Apator SA announces that in the period of recent twelve months the entities of Apator Group and entities of RWE Polska SA concluded the contracts of total net amount of PLN 30 m. The contracts in total comply with the criterion of important contract due to exceeding 10% of equity of Apator SA.

The contract of the highest value is the contract concluded on 14th January 2015 by Apator SA ("Contractor") for the net amount of PLN 21,3 m. It concerns the supplies of electricity meters to RWE Stoen Operator sp. z o. o. ("Ordering Party") that will be performed in batches till January 2017. The conditions of the above contract do not differ from typical for such type of transactions on the market and it has been concluded without any restriction to the condition and date.

The Contractor is obligated to make payment Ordering Party the following liquidated damages:

- for the delay in manufacturing of the subject of the contract or its part due to reasons beyond in amount of 0,2% net price for the batch of electricity meters delivered late for each day of the delay;

- for the delay in remedy of the defect of the subject of the contract in amount of 0,2% net price of the batch of electricity meters where the defect has been found for each day of delay, counting since agreed by the parties the date of remedy of the defects;

- for the withdraw from the contract or its part by any of the party due to the reasons attributed to the Contractor in amount of 10% net price calculated to the batch of the supply withdrew.

The total value of the above liquidated damages is restricted to 30% net value of the contract. If the liquidated damages do not cover of the damages incurred, the Contractor is obligated to make payment of supplementary compensation excluding the damages followed and direct ones including profits lost. Total sum of liquidated damages and compensations from all the reasons cannot exceed 100% gross value of the contract.

Legal basis: § 5 para 1 point 3 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions to be considered as equivalent information  required by law of the state not being the member of the EU. 



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