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Current reports

Correction of current report no. 52/2022

Nr 52/2022
Date and time: 2022/10/18, 19:22
Category: Acquisition/sale of assets

The Management Board of Apator SA announces that it has received a corrected notification of the transaction. The correction concerns a clerical mistake consisting in indicating Mr. T. Sosgórnik as the purchaser instead of the entity closely related to him - Lexon Sp. z o.o.

Below is the revised content of the report:

The Management Board of Apator SA informs that it has received the following transaction notifications:

  • Purchase. of 51,860 bearer shares of Apator SA by Lexon Sp. z o.o from Technoplics Limited on 12.10.2022 (both entities closely related to Member of the Supervisory Board Mr. Tadeusz Sosgórnik),
  • Purchase of 16,398 registered shares of Apator SA by Member of the Supervisory Board Mr. Tadeusz Sosgórnik from Member of the Supervisory Board Mr. Janusz Marzygliński on 17.10.2022,

The full text of the final notifications is attached:
1) from Lexon Sp. z o.o. as the purchaser,
2) from Technoplics Limited as the seller,
3) from Mr. Tadeusz Sosgórnik as the purchaser,
4) from Mr. Janusz Marzyglinski as the seller.

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Notification Technopolics 12.10.2022
(pdf) 98.19KB
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Notification Lexon 12.10.2022
(pdf) 100.09KB
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Notification T. Sosgornik 17.10.2022
(pdf) 97.72KB
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Notification Marzyglinski 17.10.2022
(pdf) 98.83KB


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Mobile +48 56 61 91 380


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