Correction of current report no. 46/2022: Notification of transactions on shares of Apator SA - correction of obvious typing mistake
As a result of obvious typing mistake in current report no. 46/2022 dated July 1, 2022, the number of shares purchased by the person closely related to the Member of the Supervisory Board of Apator SA - Tadeusz Sosgórnik was incorrectly stated in the content of the report.
The correct content of the report:
The Mangement Board of Apator SA announces that it has received the notification from the person closely related to the Member of Supervisory Board of Apator SA - Tadeusz Sosgórnik. The subject of the notification is the transaction of sale of 19.094 shares of Apator SA on 27-30.06.2022 by closely related entity i.e. Technoplics Limited.
The full content of the notification is attached.
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