Current report no. 44/2015 updated
Further to current report no. 44/2015 dated 29thOctober 2015 regarding the selection of the most favourable offers submitted by Apator SA within the tender for the supply of single phase and three phase electricity meters to Tauron Dystrybucja SA („TD”), Management Board of Apator SA („the Issuer”) announces as it follows:
- single phase electricity meters -National Chamber of Appeal considered the appeal placed by participant of the tender ordering “TD” to study again the offers and select the most favourable one,
- three phase electricity meters - 2ndDecember 2015 the Issuerand Tauron Dystrybucja SA („TD”)concluded the contract of the value of PLN 26,9 mwith performance of the supplies till the end of 2016.
The above contract is not the important one in understanding of § 5 para 1 point 3 Regulation of Finance Minister dated 19thFebruary 2009 regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions to be considered as equivalent information required by law of the state not being the member of the EU.
Legal basis: art. 56 para 5 of the act dated 29th July 2005 on public bid and conditions of introduction of financial instruments to organized trading system and public companies.