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Current reports

Disclosure of the confidential information postponed

Nr 24/2016
Date and time: 2016/06/22, 20:41
Category: Others

The Management Board of Apator SA („the Issuer”) submits the current report on confidential information dated 10th May 2016 that disclosure was postponed by the Issuer:

„The Issuer announces that it has received the letter about the intention of the Investor to announce the tender offer for sales of all shares of Apator SA”.

Disclosure of the above report followed the information received on 22nd June 2016 from the Investor about the withdrawal from the intention to announce the tender offer due to the fact that the price suggested had not been accepted by the shareholders of Apator SA representing important minority package in total voting right at general shareholders meeting of Apator SA. In consequence it effected to the completion of negotiations held between the Investor and Apator SA.

Notification about the delay of the obligation to inform was originally submitted to DIA-S Office in the report no.1/2016 dated 10th May 2016 that the information was postponed until 31st July 2016.

Legal basis:

based on art 57 para 3 with regard to art 56 para 1 point 1 of the Act dated 29th July 2005 on public offering and conditions of introduction of financial instruments to organized trading system and public companies

Below please find enclosed the content of the report no. 1/2016 P regarding postponed confidential information that has been submitted to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority regarding postponed confidential information:

The Management Board of Apator SA (“the Issuer”) acting based on art 57 para 1 of the Act dated 29th July 2005 on public offering and conditions of introduction of financial instruments to organized trading system and public companies (Journal of Laws No. 184, item 1539 with later amendments) ("the Act") announces about the obligation postponed that had been mentioned in art 56 para 1 point 1 of the Act with regard to § 2 para 1 point 1 of the Resolution of Minister of Finance dated 13th April 2006 on kind of information that can violate legitimate interest of the Issuer and the method of proceeding of the Issuer with regard to the delay in announcement of confidential information (Journal of Laws No 67, item 476) that is referred to the information concerning negotiations conducted by the Issuer or circumstances related to the negotiations held.

The delay in announcement of the above confidential information is justified due to the fact that the announcement of the information currently could have the impact on the course of negotiations and at the same time violate proper interest of the Issuer or it could have influence on the assessment of the situation and decisions of current and potential shareholders of the Issuer.

In the opinion of the Issuer the delay in the announcement of the above confidential information will not cause to mislead the public opinion and also the confidentiality of the content of the above information has been maintained until it is announced.

The content of the above confidential information will have been submitted in the current report till 31st July 2016. 


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