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Current reports

Forecast of consolidated financial results for 2019

Nr 13/2019
Date and time: 2019/03/01, 10:00
Category: Financial forecast

The Executive Board of Apator SA gives the forecast of consolidated financial results for 2019, which is as follows:

- consolidated total sales revenues: PLN 880 million - PLN 920 million,

- consolidated net profit: PLN 72 million - PLN 75 million.

The forecast for 2019 is based on the following main assumptions:

- main revenue increases assumed in the Gas segment and in the line segment electricity metering in the Electricity segment,

- further improvement of results in Apator Rector and Apator Elkomtech,

- significant increase in investment outlays y/y,

- average exchange rates: 4,20 PLN/EUR, 3,60 PLN/USD, 4,80 PLN/GBP.

Legal basis:

Article 17(1) MAR - confidential information


Contact for institutional investors and analysts

cc group - Katarzyna Mucha

Mobile +48 697 613 712

Management and Promotions Director of Apator Group

Jolanta Dombrowska

Mobile +48 56 61 91 228


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