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Current reports

Intention to extend the make-up of Management Board of Apator SA

Nr 44/2016
Date and time: 2016/12/02, 16:51
Category: Management and Supervisory Board compostition

The Issuer announces that in the current report no. 44/2016 in result of evident human error wrong date of the intention to extend the make-up of the Management Board of Apator SA, was published, i.e. the date 1st January 2016 and it should be 1st January 2017.
Please find enclosed below the correct content of the current report:
The Supervisory Board of Apator S.A. announces that it is going to extend the make-up of the Management Board of Apator SA effective on 1st January 2017 to four persons and appoint Agnieszka Nosal the Member of Management Board – Electricity Metering Managing Director.
The adoption of the resolution of appointment of Agnieszka Nosal the Member of Management Board is in the agenda of the debate of the Supervisory Board at the meeting called on 15th December 2016.


Contact for institutional investors and analysts

cc group - Katarzyna Mucha

Mobile +48 697 613 712

Management and Promotions Director of Apator Group

Jolanta Dombrowska

Mobile +48 56 61 91 228


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