List of shareholder having at least 5% of the number of votes at Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders (OGAS) of Apator SA on 28th May 2018
The Managing Board of Apator SA informs that the following Shareholders had at least 5% of the number of votes at Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Apator SA, which was held on 28th May 2018:
Mariusz Lewicki having at this OGAS 2.123.000 shares authorizing him to perform 5.685.128 votes, which makes up 17,79% of all votes at this assembly and 10,26% of the total number of votes.
Tadeusz Sosgórnik having at this OGAS 993.102 shares authorizing him to perform 3.972.408 votes, which makes up 12,43% of all votes at this assembly and 7,17% of total number of shares.
Danuta Guzowska having at this OGAS 954.214 shares authorizing her to perform 3.816.856 votes, making up 11,94% of all votes at this assembly and 6,89% of total number of shares.
Zbigniew Jaworski having at this OGAS 1.371.000 shares authorizing him to perform wykonania 3.653.544 votes, making up 11,43% of all shares at this assembly and 6,59% of total number of shares.
Janusz Marzygliński having at this OGAS 818.092 shares authorizing him to perform 3.272.368 votes, making up 10,24% of all votes at this assembly and 5,90% of total number of shares.
Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny (Open Pension Fund) Aviva BZ WBK having at this OGAS 2.594.000 shares authorizing it to perform 2.594.000 votes, making up 8,12% of all shares at the assembly and 4,68% of total number of shares.
Kazimierz Piotrowski having at this OGAS 516.902 shares authorizing him to perform 2.067.608 votes, making up of 6,47% of all shares at this assembly and 3,73% of total number of shares.
All Shareholders present at the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Apator SA registered in total 12.278.057 shares authorizing them to perform 31.962.014 votes. These votes make up 57,67% of the total number of votes.
Legal basis:
Art. 70 point 3 of 29th July 2005 Act on Public Offer and the Conditions to Introduce Financial Instruments into Organized System of Turnover and on Public Companies.