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Current reports

List of shareholders holding at least 5% of total number of votes at General Shareholders meeting of Apator SA on 18 th June 2012

Nr 30/2012
Date and time: 2012/06/19, 00:00
Category: General Shareholders Meetings

The Executive Board of Apator SA announces that the following shareholders were holding at least 5% of votes at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Apator SA, held on the 18th June 2012:

1. Mariusz Lewicki was holding at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting 2.030.000 shares that entitle to 5.524.007 votes being 16,90% of all the votes at the meeting and 9,45% of all the votes.
2. Danuta Guzowska was holding at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting 1.512.311 shares that entitle to 4.374.953 votes being 13,38% of all the votes at the meeting and 7,49% of all the votes.
3. Tadeusz Sosgórnik was holding at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting 993.102 shares that entitle to 3.972.408 votes being 12,15% of all the votes at the meeting and 6,80% of all the votes.
4. Zbigniew Jaworski was holding at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting 1.307.307 shares that entitle to 3.589.851 votes being 10,98% of all the votes at the meeting and 6,14% of all the votes.
5. Janusz Marzygliński was holding at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting 1.047.657 shares that entitle to 3.501.933 votes being 10,71% of all the votes at the meeting and 5,99% of all the votes.
6. Avila Open Pension Fund was holding at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting 2.905.628 shares that entitle to 2.905.628 votes being 8,89% of all the votes at the meeting and 4,97% of all the votes.
7. Kazimierz Piotrowski was holding at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting 506.902 shares that entitle to 2.027.608 votes being 6,20% of all the votes at the meeting and 3,47% of all the votes.
8. Janusz Niedźwiecki was holding at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting 432.707 shares that entitle to 1.730.828 votes being 5,29% of all the votes at the meeting and 2,96% of all the votes.

The shareholders attending the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Apator S.A. registered in total 12.649.282 shares that entitle to 32.691.691 votes that is 55,95% total number of votes.


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