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Current reports

List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at EGM of Apator SA on 18th October 2021

Nr 43/2021
Date and time: 2021/11/19, 09:13
Category: General Shareholders Meetings

The Executive Board of Apator SA announces that the following shareholders had at least 5% of votes at the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Apator SA that took place on 18th October 2021:

  • Mariusz Lewicki holding 2.300.000 shares at this EGM entitling him to exercise 5.862.128 votes, constituting 18.89% of all votes at this meeting and 10.71% of the total number of votes.
  • Tadeusz Sosgórnik holding 1.369.602 shares at this EGM entitling him to exercise 5.130.408 votes, constituting 16.50% of all votes at this meeting and 9.36% of the total number of votes.
  • Danuta Guzowska holding 1.509.311 shares at this EGM entitling her to exercise 4.362.953 votes, constituting 14.04% of all votes at this meeting and 7.96% of the total number of votes.
  • Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Aviva BZ WBK holding 3.338.000 shares at this EGM entitling to 3.338.000 votes, representing 10.74% of all votes at this meeting and 6.09% of the total number of votes.                       
  • Kazimierz and Zdzisława Piotrowski holding 823.955 shares at this EGM entitling them to exercise 2.818.277 votes, representing 9.07% of all votes at this meeting and 5.14% of the total number of votes.
  •  Janusz Marzygliński holding 621.247 shares at this EGM entitling him to exercise 2.219.023 votes, representing 7.14% of all votes at this meeting and 4.05% of the total number of votes.  
  • Zbigniew Baranowski holding 563.453 shares at this EGM entitling him to exercise 1.690.172 votes, representing 5.44% of all votes at this meeting and 3.08% of the total number of votes.  
  • UNIQA Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny holding 1.671.002 shares at this EGM entitling him to exercise 1.671.002 votes, representing 5.38% of all votes at this meeting and 3.05% of the total number of votes.  

All the Shareholders present at the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Apator SA registered 14.586.864 shares entitling to perform 31.085.109 votes. The votes are 56.71% of total number of votes. 

Legal basis: art. 70 point 3 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading and Public Companies.


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