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Current reports

Reducing the number of members of the Management Board of Apator S.A.

Nr 45/2017
Date and time: 2017/11/30, 11:19
Category: Management and Supervisory Board compostition

The Management Board of Apator S.A. informs that the President of the Management Board – Mirosław Klepacki’s vision of his management over the capital group Apator was approved of by the Supervisory Board. The vision involves – starting from 2018 – the implementation of the new model of managing Apator Group. As a result, the two currently operative segments

- metering one (which is comprised of the lines of water and heat metering, gas metering and electricity metering),

- power grid automation (which is comprised of switchgear line, ICT line and control and supervision systems)

will give rise to three segments:

- water and heat segment – managed by the President of the Management Board of Powogaz S.A – Jacek Kryszkiewicz

- gas segment – manager by the President of the Management Board of Apator Metrix S.A. – Arkadiusz Chmielewski

- smart grid segment (encompassing electricity metering, switchgear equipment, ICT as well control and supervision systems – manager by the President of the Management Board of Apator S.A. – Mirosław Klepacki.

In the light of the above, the operations of the collective management within the company Apator S.A. will not be continued in the so-far manner; and due to the above, Arkadiusz Chmielowski and Agnieszka Nosal resigned from performing their respective functions of members of the Management Board of Apator S.A. as of 30th November 2017. As of 1 st December 2017, the Management Board of Apator S.A. will operative in the following two-person make-up:

- Mirosław Klepacki – The President of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer,
- Piotr Nowak – Member of the Management Board, Finance Director.

Legal basis:

- Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) and repealing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directives 2003/124/EC, 2003/125/EC and 2004/72/EC,

- section 5 subsection 1 paragraph 19 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on Current and Interim Information Communicated by Issuers of Securities and on the Conditions for Regarding as Equivalent the Information Required by the Provisions of Law in Force in a Non-Member States.


Contact for institutional investors and analysts

cc group - Katarzyna Mucha

Mobile +48 697 613 712

Management and Promotions Director of Apator Group

Jolanta Dombrowska

Mobile +48 56 61 91 228


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