Registration of amendments to the Statutes of Apator SA
The Management Board of Apator S.A. announces that on 23rd October 2015 the Company was submitted the decision of District Court VII Commercial Division of the National Court Register in Toruń dated 6th October 2015. (registration files number: TO.VII NS-REJ.KRS/008204/15/390) that was the base for registration of the amendments to the Statutes of Apator S.A.
Based on the aforementioned decision, the court made registration of the amendment to the wording of § 7 of the Statutes of Apator SA taking into account the conversion of 163.519 registered shares of A series to bearer shares of A series. A. The amendments were made based on the resolutions nos. 21/VI/2015 and 22/VI/2015 of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Apator SA dated 22nd June 2015.
The amendments to the Statutes of Apator SA and unified text were announced to the public in current report no. 29/2015 dated 23rd June 2015.
Legal; base: § 38 para 1 point 2 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions to be considered as equivalent information required by law of the state not being the member of the EU.