Registration of the changes in the Statute of Apator SA
The Executive Board of Apator SA announces that it received the information about registration by the District Court in Torun, VII Economic Department of the National Court Register of the changes in the Statute of Apator SA.
The changes in the Statute were made under the Resolutions no 20/VII/2020, 24/VII/2020 and 25/VII/2020 of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Apator SA dated 2nd July 2020 and they regard:
- reduction of share capital of Apator SA and change of its structure due to: redemption of 54.600 bearer shares giving the right to 54.600 votes at General Shareholders Meeting acquired under the programme of buyout of own shares,
- introduction of new powers of General Shareholders Meeting and Supervisory Board of Apator SA in relation to the amendments to the Act on public offer and conditions of introduction of financial instruments to organized trading system and public companies dated 29th July 2005.
The present share capital of Apator SA is 3.280.632,80 PLN (three million two hundred eighty thousand six hundred thirty two 80/100 PLN) and it is divided into 7.337.001 (seven million three hundred thirty seven thousand one) registered shares of A series and 25.469.327 (twenty five four hundred sixty nine thousand three hundred twenty seven) bearer shares of A, B and C series of nominal value 0,10 PLN (ten groszy) each. The total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders resulting from all issued shares is 54,817,331.
The Issuer encloses:
- the content of the new provisions of the Articles of Association,
- consolidated text of the Statute adopted by the Resolution no 26/VII/2020 of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Apator SA on 2nd July 2020.
Legal basis:
§ 5 (1) of the Regulation of Minister of Finance dated 29th March 2018 on current and periodical information being transferred by the issuers of securities and on conditions of recognition of information required by law of non-member country as equal.