Satisfaction of contingent conditions of significant contract concluded with WorldIT Systems Sp. z o.o.
Further to current report no. 26/2014 dated 30th May 2014 and current report no. 40/2014 dated 18th September 2014 Executive Board of Apator SA ("Issuer") announces about satisfaction of two contingent conditions that were specified in the contract of design and supply of electricity meters under OSGP technology pursuant to the requirements of UZZ/107/PO/2013 - "Smart City Wrocław" project dated 30th May 2014 ,("Contract") concluded between Issuer and WorldIT Systems sp. z o.o. The Issuer announces that on 19th September 2014:
- Tauron Dystrybucja SA concluded the contract with Consortium; LG CNS Co. Ltd, WorldIT Systems sp. z o.o., Eltel Networks A/S and Eltel Networks Olsztyn SA,
- Tauron Dystrybucja SA has qualified Apator SA as subcontractor
Therefore, all the contingent conditions in the Contract have been satisfied.
Legal basis: § 5 para 1 point 4 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions to be considered as equivalent information required by law of the state not being the member of the EU.