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Current reports

Takeover of Fellows s.c.

Nr 42/2015
Date and time: 2015/10/01, 00:00
Category: Acquisition/sale of assets

The Management Board of Apator SA announces that subsidiary - Apator Powogaz SA has extended its product offer and strengthened the competence of R&D through takeover of Fellows s.c. and  acquisition of the right to purchase iMeters Sp. z o.o.
Transaction is being performed in result of the investment contract signed on 30.09.2015. Under the contract, the capital of Apator Telemetria sp. z o.o. (subsidiary of Apator Powogaz SA) has been increased as the result of making the contribution in kind of Fellows s.c. After the above amendments have been registered in National Court Register, the activity of both companies will be joined. The transaction is not related to the purchase of assets of considerable value.

Fellows s.c. deals with design and implementation of electronic equipment and systems, it applies the mesh technology, inductive radio modules and GSM advanced data readout systems. iMeters has its own  heat cost allocator operating also in mesh system.

The above transaction is the result of consequently performed strategy for action of metering of water and heat by obtaining new technologies and extension of product portfolio in the scope of radio data readout and electronics applied in water meters. Currently Apator Powogaz develops the group of ultrasonic products and offers wide range of water meters, heat meters and heat cost allocators completed with innovative radio systems of data readout being supplied by Apator Telemetria.

Legal basis:

art. 56 para 1 point 1 of the Act dated 29th July 2005 on public offering and conditions of introduction of financial instruments to organized trading system and public companies (Dz. U. of 2005, No. 184, item 1539 with later amendments). 


Contact for institutional investors and analysts

cc group - Katarzyna Mucha

Mobile +48 697 613 712

Management and Promotions Director of Apator Group

Jolanta Dombrowska

Mobile +48 56 61 91 228


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