The cooperation between Apator Metrix SA and Secure Meters Limited in the scope of the gas meters
The Executive Board of Apator SA announces that on the 25th October 2012 Apator Metrix SA (subsidiary of Apator SA) and Secure Meters Limited with headquarters in Udaipur in India concluded the trade cooperation contract of technology development of gas meters.
The subject of the contract is the sales by Apator Metrix SA the subassemblies of gas meters of total amount of 3,4 m Eur (that is 14 m PLN according to exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland dated on the day of conclusion of the contract) till the 31st December 2014.
The transfer of technology of the manufacturing finished gas meters in Secure is also regulated in the contract. Under the license granted, Apator Metrix SA will be bereceiving the license fee for a period of 5 years since the commencement of manufacturing of finished gas meters in Secure premises but not longer than till 31st December 2021.
The value of license fee will depend on the number of gas meters sold by the companies of the Secure Group and the country of its destination. Secure Meters Limited is a member of the Secure Group. The Secure Meters Limited deals with the design, manufacturing and sales of electricity meters, gas meters and heat meters in many countries of Europe and in the world.