The dates of publication of regular statements in 2013
The Executive Board of Apator SA announces the dates of the release of regular financial statements in 2013based on §103 para 1 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions to be considered as equivalent information required by law of the country not being the member of the EU.
1. Extended consolidated quarterly financial statements:
- 4Q 2012 - 21st February 2013 (Thursday),
- 1Q 2013 – 15th May 2013 (Wednesday),- 3Q 2013 – 14th November 2013 (Thursday)
2. Interim individual financial statement for the first half of 2013 - 30th August 2013 (Friday).
3. Interim consolidated financial statement for the first half of 2013 - 30th August 2013 (Friday).
4. Annual individual financial statement for 2012 - 30th April 2013 (Tuesday).
5. Annual consolidated financial statement for 2012 – 30th April (Tuesday).
The Executive Board of Apator SA suggests the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Apator SA to be held on 24th June 2013 (Monday).
The Executive Board of Apator SA made the decision to resign from the release of quarterly financial statement for 2Q2013. It is in accordance with §101 para 2 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions to be considered as equivalent information required by law of the country not being the member of the EU.
At the same time and in accordance with § 83 para 1 of the above mentioned Resolution of the Executive Board, Apator SA states that it will not release separate individual quarterly financial statements and it declares that itwill release extended consolidated quarterly financial statements with concise individual financial statement of Apator SA included. Further to the above dates of release of regular financial statements, the Executive Board of Apator SA announces about the following accounting closing periods in 2013:
- since 7th February 2013 till 21st February 2013 (till the moment of release of regular financial statement) – accounting closing period is related to the release of quarterly financial statement for 4Q 2012 ;
- since 28th February 2013 to 30th April 2013 (till the moment of release of regular financial statement) - accounting closing period is related to the release of annual financial statements for 2012 (individual and consolidated one)
- since 1st May 2013 till 15th May 2013 (till the moment of release of regular financial statement) accounting closing period is related to the release of quarterly financial statement for 1Q2013 ;
- since 30th July 2013 till 30th August 2013 - (till the moment of release of regular financial statements) - accounting closing period is related to the release of interim financial statements for the first half of 2013 (individual and consolidated one)
- since 31st October 2013 till 14th November 2013 - (till the moment of release of regular financial statement) - accounting closing period is related to the release of quarterly financial statement for 3Q 2013;
Persons are not allowed to purchase or sell the shares of Apator SA on their own account or the third person with access to confidential information due to the performance of their functions in the bodies of Apator SA. It concerns also persons who hold shares or have the access to confidential information due to their employment or performance of their jobs or employment relationship or other legal relationship of similar character. The prohibition covers also possible derivative rights regarding the shares of the issuer or instruments related to them, taking other legal steps causing or can cause the management of such financial instruments in accordance with art 159 related to art 156 of the Act of trading with financial instruments in the above terms.