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Current reports

The estimation of selected financial results obtained in 2015

Nr 5/2016
Date and time: 2016/01/28, 07:59
Category: Financial forecast

The Management Board of Apator SA, taking into account the forecast of financial results of Apator Group for 2015 that estimated selected financial data for 2015 are as follows:

-        consolidated revenues on sales – PLN 769,4 m,

-        consolidated EBITDA – PLN 112,3 m,

-        consolidated net profit – PLN 64,8 m.


Pursuant to the above data, Apator Group has performed consolidated revenues at the level of 97% but consolidated net profit at the level of 81% (the forecast was published in current report 37/2015).


The impact on value of financial results of Apator group had the following factors:

-       net loss in Apator Rector sp. z o.o. caused by the delays in performance of key long-term contracts,

-       increase of manufacturing costs resulting out of significant increase of USD exchange rate towards[SA1] ,

-       one-time costs – advising and legal service of acquisition processes,

-       failure of performance of the plan concerning financial result by some of entities in  Apator Group caused among other things by downturn at the simultaneous increase of competition.

In regular financial statements for the first half 2015 and the third quarter 2015 the Management Board of Apator SA announced about the impact of the above factors on performance of financial forecast.  

The Management Board of Apator SA points out that presented consolidated financial results are:

-       initial ones that were not subject to auditing by statutory auditor,

-       prepared based on the best knowledge on the day of their preparation

-       prepared based on some assumptions that some circumstances would not disclosed that could have the influence on financial results after the day when estimated data are published.

Legal basis:

(i) § 5 para 1 point 25 of the Regulation of Minister of Finance regarding current and regular information being transferred by the issuers of securities and conditions to be considered as equivalent information  required by law of the state not being the member of the EU

 (ii) art 56 para 1 point 1 of the Act dated 29th July 2005 on public offer and conditions of introduction of financial instruments in trading and public companies. 


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Mobile +48 56 61 91 380


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