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Current reports

The selection of the most favourable offer for the supply of gas meters to Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp. z o. o.

Nr 48/2021
Date and time: 2021/11/26, 16:04
Category: Concluded contracts

The Executive Board of Apator SA announces that the offer of subsidiary Apator Metrix SA was selected as the most advantageous in six tasks being the part of tender for the supply of bellow gas meters for Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp. z o.o.

The value of the offer amounts to PLN 74.9 million, and the execution of supplies will take place within 24 months from the date of conclusion of the agreement.

The terms of the tender provide for an option to increase or decrease the order by up to 20%.

The conclusion of the agreement is planned after the completion of possible appeal proceedings to which the participants of the tender procedure are entitled.


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Mobile +48 56 61 91 380


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