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Current reports

Updated Strategy of Apator Group for 2014 – 2019

Nr 13/2014
Date and time: 2014/02/19, 00:00
Category: Others

The Executive Board of Apator SA presents key elements of updated strategy of Apator Group for 2014–2019

Apator Group is the partner of entities managing distribution infrastructure of all kinds of utility services in the scope of development and innovative deliveries and consistent to open standards of the systems, equipment and services providing effective and safe deploy of   power grid assets. Safety and social responsibility are the indicators of our activity.

Apator Group is leading supplier of measuring-data read out systems and equipment for all utility services with particular consideration of electricity distribution sector.

Position in the value chain:
- Poland: development in the area of information and communications technology and co-operating with them the equipment that enables remote monitoring, control and data read out,
- other markets: development of smart equipment, co-operation with partner in the scope of integration of the systems,

Geographical range:
- Poland:  leader of share in the market (position 1-3) in all business lines,
- CIS, CEE and UE: leading, reputable supplier with noticeable, steady share in selective future markets,
- other markets: opportunistic approach, delivery of products and services without the engagement of significant resources of R&D.

Main financial objectives
- average annual growth rate of consolidated EBITDA 2014 - 2019 in the range 10 – 15% (about 2 – 2,5 x increase of value),
- target revenues over 1,5 bn PLN,
- over 60% revenues from foreign markets,
 - 50% EBITDA from electricity distribution sector

Strategy assumes making use of the development chances resulting of regulation and technological trends related to the need of improvement of the effectiveness of use of utility services among others by automation, remote monitoring and control within distribution infrastructure of power grid.

Strategy objectives accepted for the performance are based on organic development of Apator Group strengthened by competence of Elkomtech SA. The objectives do not include any possible following acquisitions.

The development of the basic activity of Apator Group will be performed within the target business model based on strategic, integrating function of services and IT products (ICT) in two essential segments:
- metering (business lines: water and heat, electricity, gas),
- automation of power grid (remote monitoring and control, automatics and protection, smart switchgear).

Strategy Apator Group assumes:
- make use of numerous product synergies – strengthening of ICT integration role and inclusion of new items in value chain and offering more comprehensive offer to key customers,
- make use of cost, operating and business synergies – strategic financing, HR and marketing, wide co-operation with partners in sector, active participation in creation and acceptance of international interoperating standards for new technologies.

Strategy of Apator Group submitted in hereby current report is not the forecast of the  financial results of the public company in understanding of §5 para 1 point 25 of the Resolution of Minister of Finance on current and regular information transmitted by the issuers of securities.


Contact for institutional investors and analysts

cc group - Katarzyna Mucha

Mobile +48 697 613 712

Management and Promotions Director of Apator Group

Jolanta Dombrowska

Mobile +48 56 61 91 228


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